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Beranda ยป Ranca Upas: A Hidden Gem in West Java for Nature Lovers

Ranca Upas: A Hidden Gem in West Java for Nature Lovers

West Java is known for its natural beauty, and Ranca Upas is one of the hidden gems that showcase the wonders of the province. This article will take you on a virtual tour of Ranca Upas, its attractions, and the experiences that await you.

Ranca Upas: A Hidden Gem in West Java for Nature Lovers
Ranca Upas: A Hidden Gem in West Java for Nature Lovers

What is Ranca Upas?

Ranca Upas is a natural attraction located in Ciwidey, West Java. It is situated around 42 kilometers south of Bandung and can be reached in around an hour and a half. The place is named after the lake located at the center of the attraction, which is also known as Ranca Upas.

A Natural Paradise

Ranca Upas is a haven for nature lovers. The place is surrounded by lush greenery and boasts of a refreshing and cool climate. The crystal-clear water of the lake adds to the serenity of the place. The sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind provides a calming ambiance, perfect for unwinding.

Ranca Upas: A Hidden Gem in West Java for Nature Lovers
Ranca Upas: A Hidden Gem in West Java for Nature Lovers

Activities in Ranca Upas

There are several activities that visitors can enjoy at Ranca Upas. The most popular ones include:


Camping is one of the top attractions at Ranca Upas. Visitors can rent tents and camping equipment and enjoy a night under the stars. The campsite is well-equipped with facilities like toilets, showers, and BBQ grills.

Ranca Upas: A Hidden Gem in West Java for Nature Lovers
Ranca Upas: A Hidden Gem in West Java for Nature Lovers

Horse Riding

Another popular activity at Ranca Upas is horse riding. Visitors can take a horseback ride around the lake and through the surrounding forest. The experience is unique and provides an opportunity to witness the natural beauty of the place up close.


Fishing is another activity that visitors can enjoy at Ranca Upas. The lake is home to various species of fish, including tilapia and carp. Fishing equipment can be rented on-site, and visitors can cook their catch using the BBQ grills available.


Ranca Upas is surrounded by dense forests that offer several trekking trails. Visitors can explore the area on foot and enjoy the sights and sounds of the forest. The trails are well-marked, making it easy for visitors to navigate.

Wildlife in Ranca Upas

Ranca Upas is also home to various species of wildlife. The most notable one is the Javan Gibbon, an endangered primate species. Visitors can witness these primates swinging from tree to tree and hear their distinct calls. Other wildlife that can be seen in Ranca Upas includes squirrels, birds, and butterflies.

Accommodation in Ranca Upas

Ranca Upas offers several options for accommodation. Visitors can choose from camping, guesthouses, and villas. The guesthouses and villas offer a more comfortable and luxurious stay compared to camping.

How to Get to Ranca Upas

Ranca Upas is accessible by car or public transportation. From Bandung, visitors can take a public bus to Ciwidey and then hire a taxi to Ranca Upas. Alternatively, visitors can hire a private car or motorbike from Bandung.

Best Time to Visit Ranca Upas

The best time to visit Ranca Upas is during the dry season, which lasts from May to September. The weather is pleasant, and the skies are clear, providing an excellent view of the surrounding mountains.


Ranca Upas is a hidden gem in West Java that is a must-visit for nature lovers. The place offers a range of activities, from camping to horse riding, and is home to various species of wildlife. The serene ambiance and cool climate make it an ideal getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life.


  1. Is it possible to swim
  1. Apakah Ranca Upas ramah lingkungan? Ya, Ranca Upas berusaha untuk menjaga kelestarian alam dan lingkungan sekitar. Pengunjung diharapkan untuk tidak membuang sampah sembarangan dan menjaga kebersihan lingkungan.
  2. Apakah ada restoran di Ranca Upas? Ya, terdapat beberapa restoran yang menyajikan makanan dan minuman lokal di sekitar area Ranca Upas.
  3. Apakah Ranca Upas cocok untuk keluarga dengan anak kecil? Ya, Ranca Upas cocok untuk keluarga dengan anak kecil. Selain camping dan horse riding, anak-anak juga dapat menikmati bermain di sekitar danau atau berjalan-jalan di alam.
  4. Apakah ada masjid di Ranca Upas? Tidak ada masjid di area Ranca Upas, namun terdapat beberapa musholla di sekitar area.

Ranca Upas merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata alam yang menakjubkan di Jawa Barat. Dengan keindahan danau yang jernih, pemandangan hutan yang hijau, serta udara yang segar, Ranca Upas menjadi tempat yang cocok untuk melepas penat dan menikmati alam.

Pengunjung dapat menikmati berbagai aktivitas seperti camping, berkuda, memancing, atau trekking di hutan. Selain itu, pengunjung juga dapat melihat keberadaan primata Jawa, yaitu Owa Jawa, yang terancam punah.

Lokasi Ranca Upas terletak di Ciwidey, sekitar 42 kilometer di selatan Bandung. Untuk menuju ke sana, pengunjung dapat menggunakan transportasi umum dari Bandung ke Ciwidey, kemudian menggunakan taksi untuk sampai ke lokasi.

Selain itu, Ranca Upas juga menyediakan akomodasi bagi pengunjung yang ingin bermalam, mulai dari camping hingga penginapan mewah.

Namun, sebagai wisatawan, kita harus tetap menjaga kelestarian alam dan lingkungan sekitar. Jangan membuang sampah sembarangan dan selalu menjaga kebersihan lingkungan.

Jadi, jika Anda mencari destinasi wisata alam yang indah di Jawa Barat, jangan lupa untuk memasukkan Ranca Upas ke dalam list perjalanan Anda,Ranca Upas: A Hidden Gem in West Java for Nature Lovers.

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